安德烈·波切利(Andrea Bocelli-Music For Hope)|在空无一人的米兰大教堂,用歌声为世界疗伤


意大利语词汇-反身动词(Reflexive verbs)

你已经知道了多少个反身动词? 使用我们的词汇表,您可以学习30个有用的反身动词! 

svegliarsi to wake up
addormentarsi to fall asleep
prepararsi to get ready
lavarsi to wash yourself
vestirsi to get dressed
mettersi (una maglietta) to put on (a t-shirt)
pettinarsi to comb (one’s hair)
truccarsi to put on make up
farsi la barba to shave
sedersi to sit down
alzarsi to stand up
sdraiarsi to lay down
chiamarsi to be called (my name is…)
rilassarsi to relax
riposarsi to rest
incontrarsi (con) to meet up (with)
divertirsi to have fun
annoiarsi to get bored
stancarsi to get tired; to have enough of
arrabbiarsi to get angry
innamorarsi (di) to fall in love (with)
sposarsi to get married
abbronzarsi to get a tan
laurearsi to graduate
avvicinarsi to get closer
allontanarsi to go away, to step back
abituarsi (a) to get used (to)
sbrigarsi to hurry
fermarsi to stop
ubriacarsi to get drunk

